





       dragon-turtle paste and sugar water is a gentle nourishing drink in traditional Chinese medicine, which can help digestion, invigorate the spleen and appetizer, and regulate nutritional balance effectively. This article will introduce in detail how to make delicious dragon-turtle paste and sugar water from the aspects of history, prescription and method, so as to ensure its nutrition and value.

      Dragon-turtle paste and sugar water has a long history. Both ancient surgeons and court health masters had some understanding of it. It first appeared in the ancient Chinese medical work "Nanjing", the author wrote: "The turtle shell is the main ingredient of Chinese medicine, which has the effect of invigorating the spleen and appetizer, and in addition, can help digestion, replenish the spleen and liver, and regulate nutrition status". Later, with the spread of traditional Qing Dynasty court health experience nationwide, ordinary people began to make turtle shell paste at home, the most famous of which is sugar water.


      Next, you need to prepare the necessary materials. Here, you need to prepare three raw materials, turtle shell paste, sugar and water, as well as auxiliary materials, jujubes, dried tangerine peel and wolfberry. Turtle shell paste is the most important ingredient in this dish. You can choose to buy finished products or prepare the material and make your own turtle shell paste. When preparing sugar, you can choose white sugar, rock sugar or brown sugar. Water can be used either clear water or boiled water.


      Then, put the turtle shell paste, sugar, wolfberry, dried tangerine peel and jujubes into a pot, add drinking water, cook it slowly in low heat for one hour, until the soup is thick, the turtle shell paste is fully dissolved, and finally add a proper amount of rock sugar to taste.


      Conclusion: This article has introduced in detail how to make dragon-turtle paste and sugar water, with the emphasis on the materials and the production steps, so as to ensure its nutrition and value. Dragon-turtle paste and sugar water not only tastes good, but also has many health effects, which can help digestion, increase appetite, invigorate the spleen and appetizer, and replenish the spleen and liver. Therefore, we can drink a cup of it with peace of mind, truly achieving health and intelligence.
