

Traditional Roast Duck is one of China’s most iconic dishes, served in hundreds of different restaurants all around the country. The flavor, texture and aroma of a properly cooked roast duck is something that can truly be appreciated by anyone who tastes it. However, the preparation and cooking of this traditional delicacy is not as simple as it appears. To get the best results, there are certain methods, techniques and ingredients that must be used correctly in order to achieve the highest quality result.


Traditional Roast Duck is one of China’s

      Let’s start by discussing the ingredients. Typically, Traditional Roast Duck uses a variety of spices including star anise, cinnamon, cassia bark, Sichuan pepper, bay leaves, fennel seeds and clove. These spices give the duck its distinct flavor and aroma. In addition to the spices, the traditional recipe also includes other ingredients such as ginger, garlic and onions for added flavor.

      In terms of the cooking process itself, the duck must first be marinated for several hours for the flavors to permeate the meat. During the marination period, some chefs may even add a little bit of sugar or honey to the marinade in order to impart additional sweetness to the duck. Once marinated, the duck should be hung up to dry before being placed into a preheated oven.

      When it comes to determining the correct temperature, the key is to cook the duck at a low temperature. Most chefs recommend cooking the duck at around 350 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately two hours. This ensures that the duck is cooked thoroughly while still remaining succulent and juicy on the inside.

      It is important to note that the temperature must be kept low and steady throughout the cooking process. As the duck cooks, it will expel its fat which needs to be drained off regularly. This helps to ensure that the duck does not become too greasy or fatty. Once the duck has been cooked through, it should be removed from the oven and allowed to rest for a few minutes before carving and serving.

      In conclusion, cooking a traditional roast duck requires the correct ingredients, careful preparation and the correct cooking technique. By following the steps outlined above and paying attention to detail, anyone can produce a delicious and succulent roast duck with the right amount of flavor and aroma.
