

摘要:本文对于“做法前跟什么动词”这一常见问题,进行了详细分析和讨论。首先,介绍了常见动词如 try 、attempt 、practice、adopt 等,运用它们在句子中的具体结构;其次,介绍了“做法前跟什么动词”此类问题在不同文体中的表现形式;最后,分析了如何在写作中运用这些动词,以得出有效的结论。



      对于“做法前跟什么动词”这个问题,学者们做出了多方面的研究。根据最近的调查显示,最常用的动词有 try、attempt、practice 和 adopt,而在口头表达中常用的有 take a shot at 和 go for it。除此以外,学者们还研究发现,在书面表达中,常用以下句式:

      1.Try + doing sth:例如:I try writing a journal every day.

      2.Attempt/Practice/Have a go/Give it a go + to do sth:例如:I attempted to draw a masterpiece.

      3.Adopt/Employ + a/the + 名词:例如:He adopted the new strategy to deal with the problem.


      一、小说中常使用的是 attempt、try、experiment、have a go、give it a go,可以句式可以像:

      He attempted to explain his feelings and emotions.

      She tried to understand the situation but only ended up frustrated.

      He experimented with different methods to find the best solution.

      We decided to have a go at improving efficiency.

      After much hesitation, finally I gave it a go.

      二、新闻报道中常使用的是 undertake、make an effort、try、undertake、do one’s best,句式可以像:

      The organization undertook an ambitious project.

      The team made an effort to complete the task on time.

      They tried various ways to raise awareness of the issue.

      The scientist undertook an investigation into the phenomenon.

      The worker did his best to get the job done efficiently.

      三、科技文章中常使用 experiment with、attempt、test、try out、take a shot at,句式可以像:

      They experimented with new methods to develop the new product.

      The scientists attempted to find the cause of the epidemic.

      The researchers tested different hypotheses to find the answer.

      The engineers tried out unusual combination of materials.

      He decided to take a shot at making a new invention.

      通过以上分析,我们得出结论:选择“做法前跟什么动词”时,应根据不同的文体、文章类型和句子结构,来运用不同的动词,如 try 、attempt 、practice、adopt 等,这样能够更好地表达自己想要表达的意义。

