

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival in China and celebrated by millions of people around the world.


Chinese New Year also known as the Sprin


      The Chinese New Year period is celebrated typically from the Chinese Lunar New Years Eve, the last day of the lunar calendars twelfth month, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar. The celebrations can start as early as the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month. During the two weeks celebration, various activities such as eating family dinner, offering sacrifices to ancestors, sending New Year’s greeting and giving out hongbaos, setting off firecrackers, and performing dragon and lion dances will be organized.


      Moreover, during this festival, people love to spend time with their families by cleaning their house, decorating it with festive pictures, red couplets and colorful lanterns, and even take a break from work and travel around the country. It is also an opportunity for distant family members to get together and share a meal or just exchange New Year’s greetings.


      Chinese New Year is an important traditional festival that unites Chinese people all over the world by celebrating their culture and heritage. As it is a time for joy and happiness, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people.


      In conclusion, Chinese New Year is a very important and celebrated festival in China and widely celebrated by Chinese people across the world. It is a time to gather with family, express greetings and wishes, and celebrate the new year with joy and happiness.

